EMV are also able to accept Gifts of Securities. This is a wonderful way to support our various programmes and increase your tax savings at the same time. The benefit of donating shares is that no capital gains are incurred. An official tax receipt is issued for the full value of the securities. The procedure is simple and you can make either an electronic transfer via your broker or you can send the share certificates by registered mail to our broker.
EMV’s Broker Contact:
Chad Price, Investment Advisor CMT, CIM, DMS, FCSI
Investment Advisor, Portfolio Manager – Odlum Brown Ltd
Phone: 604.844.5467
Please call or email our Business Manager, Nathan Lorch, if you are intending to make a transfer or would like assistance or further information (604.732.1610 | nathan@earlymusic.bc.ca)
Click here to download EMV’s securities donation request form.
EMV is a registered charitable organization: Charity BN / Registration # 108167776 RR0001. EMV is a non-profit society registered with the Province of British Columbia S-0008805